
1. Reformatted for gjots from the original Psion files C_langauge.s5

and C_functions.s5 from


Bob Hepple Nov 2002

2. C Language

2.1 arithmetic operators

-	subtraction, unary minus
+	addition
*	multiplication
/	division
%	modulus division (returns remainder of integer division)
--	decrement
++	increment

2.2 arrays

Arrays of any datatype may be declared, with multiple dimensions.
The general form of a single dimension array is:

type varname[size];

Where size specifies the number of elements in the array varname
of objects of type type. The elements of the array are numbered
from 0 to size-1.

Elements are accessed using the element number is square
brackets, e.g. the following code sets the ninth element of array
a to 1:

a[8] = 1;

Multidimensional arrays are created by specifying additional
dimensions in additional square brackets, e.g. to declare a 7 by
10 integer array:

int a[7][10];

Remember that no bounds checking is done, and reads or writes out
of bounds are likely to cause memory violations or corruption.

2.3 assignment operators

The normal assignment operator is the equals sign (=).

Shorthand can be used to apply an operation to a variable, and
leave the result in that variable, for the general form:

a = a op ...
a op= ...

For example:

x += 5		is	x = x + 5
x /= a+1 	is	x = x / (a+1)

2.4 bitwise operators

&	and
|	or
^	xor
~	complement
>>	right shift (sign bit extended)
<<	left shift (sign bit overwritten)

2.5 comma operator

Evaluates several steps, and returns the result of the last, e.g.

a = 20;
b = (a=a+5, a/5);

After this, a = 25 (20 + 5), and b = 5 (25 / 5).

This is most often used in for statements.

2.6 constants

Constants can be specified for any of the basic datatypes as in
the following examples:

int		1, 342, 25000, -3186
long int	40000L, 212326L, -37642L
short int	5, 54, -63
unsigned int	10000U, 428U, 40000
float		1.24F, 3.24e6F, -45.98F
double		1.427, 1246.792, -0.063, 3.23e8
long double	138.538L, -63.3561L
char		'A', 'b', '='

2.7 octal and hexadecimal

Octal constants are specified by giving them a leading zero, for

012 ten      043 thirty-five

Hexadecimal constants have a leading 0x, for example:

0xA ten     0x23 thirty-five

2.8 pointer operators

The & operator returns the address of a variable, e.g. a = &var

The * operator sets the variable at the specified address, e.g.
*a = 1. This uses the type of the pointer to determine how to set
the variable.

Pointers can have integer values added and subtracted; the
specified value is multiplied by the size of the type to
determine the actual change in the pointer. For example,
incrementing a pointer to double adds 8 bytes.

2.9 relational operators

==	equal
!=	not equal
>	greater than
>=	greater than or equal
<	less than
<=	less than or equal

&&	and
||	or
!	not

2.10 special characters

Special backslash constructs can be used in character and string
constants to represent characters which cannot be entered from
the keyboard:

\a		alert
\b		backspace
\f		form feed
\n		newline
\r		carriage return
\t		horizontal tab
\v		vertical tab
\"		double quote
\'		single quote
\0		null
\\		backslash
\0n		Octal constant
\xn		Hexadecimal constant

2.11 strings

Strings are not an explicit builtin datatype in C, but are
supported in the libraries as zero terminated arrays of

String constants can be specified using double quotes, so the
string hello world can be specified as "hello world", which will
be compiled as an array of 12 characters the last one being a
zero byte.

2.12 struct & union operators

The . (dot) operator accesses structure/union members from the
actual structure, e.g.

person.age = 21;

The -> (arrow) operator accesses structure/union members from a
pointer to the structure, e.g.

perptr->age = 21;

2.13 ternary (?) operator

Replaces if statements of the general form:

if exp1 then x=exp2 else x=exp3;

with the form:

x = exp1 ? exp2 : exp3;

2.14 #

Turns the argument it precedes into a quoted string, used in
macro definitions.

#define mkstr(s) # s

mkstr(hello) = "hello"

2.15 ##

Concatenates two tokens, used in macro definitions.

#define concat(a,b) a ## b

concat(x,y) = xy

2.16 #define

Performs macro substitutions of one piece of text for another.

#define name replacement

The replacement sequence is terminated only by th end of the
line; note especially that a semicolon does not terminate the
sequence. Definition of macros can also be done as options to the

The macro can also have arguments, for example:

#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))

2.17 #error

Stops compilation and displays the line number and specified
error message.

#error Shouldn't have reached here!

2.18 #if

Conditionally compiles a section of code.

#if constant-expression
#elif constant-expression
other code...
more code...

The constant expression typically contains macros passed as
options to the compiler, e.g.

#if DBGLVL==1
debugging code...
#elif DBGLVL=2
more debugging code...

2.19 #ifdef

Work as for #if but are true if a macro is defined or not defined

2.20 #include

Reads source from another file.

#include "filename"
#include <filename>

Typically, double quotes causes the file to be searched for in
the current directory and a user defined path, while angle
brackets looks in a system defined path.

2.21 #line

Changes the contents of __LINE__ and __FILE__.

#line number "filename"

Used for debugging and special purposes, or generated by
pre-processing steps to retain original line numbers. Filename is

2.22 #pragma

Implementation defined directive, dependent on the compiler being

2.23 #undef

Removes a previously defined definition.

2.24 auto

Declares local variables; entirely optional, hence seldom used.

2.25 break

Exits from a do, for, or while loop without evaluating the loop
condition. Also used to exit from a switch statement.

Always terminates the innermost loop, regardless of the nesting.

/* print a list up to a zero value */
for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
  if (a[i] == 0) break;

  printf("Value %d=%d", i, a[i])l

2.26 case

See switch

2.27 char

Data type, used to declare character variables.

2.28 const

Data type modifier; the variable that follows may not be
modified, but may be given an initial value when declared.

Used in function prototypes to indicate that a parameter will not
be changed.

2.29 continue

Bypasses remaining code in a loop and forces the conditional test
to be evaluated.

/* print a list skipping zero values */
for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
  if (a[i] == 0) break;

  printf("Value %d=%d", i, a[i])l

2.30 default

Used in a switch statement to indicate the default block of code
if no matches are found.

2.31 do

Indicates the start of a do { ... } while loop.

Will always have at least one iteration, because the condition is
tested at the end of the loop.

/* read from a file until EOF */
do {
  c = getc(fp);
} whie (!feof(fp));

2.32 double

Data type, used to declare double-precision floating-point

2.33 else

See if.

2.34 enum

Type specifier used to create enumeration types, which are simply
lists of named integer constants.

The first normally has value 0, and each value is one more than
the preceding. Values can be specified.

enum day {mon,tue,wed, thu,fri,sat,sun};
enum day today;

if (today==Mon) {
	/* the start of the week */

enum color (red=1,green,blue,white=7,black);
/* red=1, green=2, blue=3, white=7, black=8 */

2.35 extern

Data type modifier used to indicate variables declared elsewhere;
often used for global variables defined in another module and
available at link time.

2.36 float

Data type, used to declare floating-point variables.

2.37 for

Loop allowing automatic initialisation and incrementing of a

for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
  printf("%d\n", i);

Each of the three parts of the for statement can be a number of
statements separated by commas.

for (i=0, j=10; i<10; i++, j--) {
  a[i] = b[j]

2.38 goto

Jumps to the specified label. Can only be used within the current

goto label;

2.39 if

Conditionally executes a block of code.

if (a==1) {
  printf("a equals one\n");
else {
  printf("a doesn't equal one\n");

2.40 int

Data type, used to declare integer variables.

2.41 long

Data type, used to declare double length integer variables.

2.42 register

Storage class modifier used to advise the compiler to store the
variable in a CPU register or other fast memory.

2.43 return

Returns from a function, with a value if the function is not void.

void hello()

int max(a, b)
	return (a>b) ? a : b;

2.44 short

Data type modifier used to declare short integers.

2.45 signed

Data type modifier used to declare and signed char variable.

2.46 sizeof

Compile time operator which returns the length of the variable or

struct info myinfo;
memset(&myinfo, 0, sizeof(info));

2.47 static

Data type modifier indicating the variable should retain its
value between function calls.

2.48 struct

Defines a structure, a named group of variables.

General form is:

struct tag {
  type var1;
  type var2;
} var-list;

The tag is the type name of the structure; individual elements
are accessed using the dot when operating on a structure, or the
arrow when operating through a pointer.

struct person {
  char name[50];
  int  age;
  char sex;
} mum, dad;
strcpy(, "Julia");
mum.age = 50; = 'F';

2.49 switch

Routes execution depending on an integer or character value, with
the option for a default behaviour.

General form:

switch (var) {
  case const1:
    statements 1;

  case const2:
    statements 2;
  case constn:
    statements n;

    default statements;

2.50 typedef

Creates a new name for an existing datatype. Often used to create
structure or union datatypes.

typedef int age;
typedef struct person_tag {
  char name[80];
  int  age;
} person;

2.51 union

Similar to a struct, but the variables use the same memory location.

e.g. the following union:

union tag {
  char c1[10];
  char c2[6];
} a_union;

uses ten bytes of memory:

|   c1   |
| c2 |

2.52 unsigned

Data type modifier which removes the sign bit of an integer. This
doubles the maximum positive number which can be held, but
prevents negative numbers.

2.53 void

Used to declare functions which return no meaningful value, and
void pointers which can point to any type of object.

2.54 volatile

Data type modifier indicating that the variable may be altered by
processes outwith the program. For example, hardware clocks.

2.55 while

Loop where the condition is tested at the start.

/* copy memory up to not including a zero */
while (*p!=0) {

2.56 __DATE__

Predefined macro - compilation date.

2.57 __FILE__

Predefined macro - current source filename.

2.58 __LINE__

Predefined macro - line number in current source file.

2.59 __STDC__

Predefined macro - set to 1 if this is a standard C implementation.

2.60 __TIME__

Predefined macro - compilation time.

3. C Functions

3.1 abort

#include stdlib.h
void abort(void);

Causes immediate abnormal termination of the program; does not

Typically closes but does not flush all open files and other

3.2 abs

#include stdlib.h
int abs(int num);

Returns the absolute (positive) value of num.

3.3 acos

#include math.h
double acos(double arg);

Returns, in radians, the arc cosine of arg, which must be in the
range -1 to 1.

3.4 asctime

#include time.h
char * asctime(struct tm *ptr);

Returns a pointer to a string representation of the information
in the structure pointed to by ptr, in the form:

day month date hours:minutes:seconds year\n\0

For example:
Thu Oct 28 14:55:20 1999

Note that the buffer used is overwritten by subsequent calls to
the function.

3.5 asin

#include math.h
double asin(double arg);

Returns, in radians, the arc sine of arg, which must be in the
range -1 to 1.

3.6 assert

#include assert.h
void assert(int exp);

Writes a message to stderr and aborts execution if the expression
exp is zero.

Output is implementation dependent, but typically looks like this:

Assertion failed: expression, file file, line line

3.7 atan

#include math.h
double atan(double arg);

Returns, in radians, the arc tangent of arg.

3.8 atan2

#include math.h
double atan2(double y, double x);

Returns, in radians, the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of
the arguments to determine the correct quadrant.

3.9 atexit

#include stdlib.h
int atexit(void (*func)(void));

Registers the function func to be called on normal program

At least 32 termination functios may be registered, and they will
be called in reverse order of their registering.

Returns zero on successful registration, non-zero otherwise.

3.10 atof

#include stdlib.h
double atof(const char *str);

Converts the string pointed to by str into a double. If the
string does not contain a valid floating point number, the result
is undefined.

The number can be terminated by any and character that is not
part of a valid floating point number.

3.11 atoi

#include stdlib.h
int atoi(const char *str);

Converts the string pointed to by str into an int. If the string
does not contain a valid integer number, the result is undefined.

The number can be terminated by any and character that is not
part of a valid integer number.

3.12 atol

#include stdlib.h
long atol(const char *str);

Converts the string pointed to by str into a long. If the string
does not contain a valid integer number, the result is undefined.

The number can be terminated by any and character that is not
part of a valid integer number.

3.13 bsearch

#include stdlib.h
void * bsearch(const void *key, const void *buf, size_t num, size_t size, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *));

Performs a binary search on the sorted array buf and returns a
pointer to the first member that matches key, or null if no match
is found.

The number of elements in the array is specified by num, and the
size of each element in bytes is specified by size. The array
must be sorted in ascending order.

The function compare is used to compare an element of the array
with the key, in the following form:

int function(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)

arg1 < arg2    less than 0
arg1 = arg2    0
arg1 > arg2    greater than 0

3.14 calloc

#include stdlib.h
void * calloc(size_t num, size_t size);

Allocates num * size bytes of memory from the heap.

Returns a pointer to the allocated memory, or null if allocation

3.15 ceil

#include math.h
double ceil(double num);

Returns the smallest integer not less than num.

3.16 clearerr

#include stdio.h
void clearerr(FILE *stream);

Resets the error flag and end of file flag for the stream pointed
to by stream.

3.17 clock

#include time.h
clock_t clock(void);

Returns the amount of time the calling process has been running,
in clock ticks.

To convert to seconds, divide the result by CLK_TCK.

-1 is returned if the time is not available.

3.18 cos

#include math.h
double cos(double arg);

Returns the cosine of arg, where arg is in radians.

3.19 cosh

#include math.h
double cosh(double arg);

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of arg, where arg is in radians.

3.20 ctime

#include time.h
char * ctime(const time_t *time);

Returns a pointer to a string representation of the calendar time
in time, in the form:

day month date hours:minutes:seconds year\n\0

For example:
Thu Oct 28 14:55:20 1999

Note that the buffer used is overwritten by subsequent calls to
the function.

3.21 difftime

#include time.h
double difftime(time_t time2, time_t time1);

Returns the difference, in seconds, between time1 and time2.

i.e. it returns time2 - time1

3.22 div

#include stdlib.h
div_t div(int numerator, int denominator);

Returns the quotient and remainder of numerator/denominator in a
div_t structure.

The div_t structure is defined in stdlib.h and will have at least
two integer fields quot and rem.

3.23 exit

#include stdlib.h
void exit(int exit_code);

Causes immediate normal termination of the program, returning
exit_code to the calling process.

3.24 exp

#include math.h
double exp(double arg);

Returns the natural logarithm e raised to the arg power.

3.25 fabs

#include math.h
double fabs(double num);

Returns the absolute (positive) value of num.

3.26 fclose

#include stdio.h
int fclose(FILE *stream);

Closes the file associated with stream and flushes its buffer.
After closing the file, stream will no longer be connected with
the file.

Returns zero on success, or non-zero on failure. Errors can be
caused by trying to close already closed files, removing storage
media, or lack of disk space.

3.27 feof

#include stdio.h
int feof(FILE *stream);

Checks the position of the file associated with stream to
determine if the eof of the file has been reached.

Returns non-zero if the position is at end of file.

3.28 ferror

#include stdio.h
int ferror(FILE *stream);

Returns the error status for the given stream.

Zero indicates no error, otherwise a non-zero error code will be

3.29 fflush

#include stdio.h
int fflush(FILE *stream);

Explicitely flushes the buffer associated with stream, causing
output buffers to be physically written and input buffers to be

Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.

Note that all buffers are automatically flushed on normal program
termination, when they are full, or when the file is closed.

3.30 fgetc

#include stdio.h
int fgetc(FILE *stream);

Returnns the next character from the input stream.

On error, or if the end of the file is reached, returns EOF. Note
that EOF is a valid character, so feof() or ferror() should be
used to check for end-of-file or error conditions.

3.31 fgetpos

#include stdio.h
int fgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *position);

Returns the current file position indicator for stream in the
object pointed to by position.

The value stored is useful only for restoring the file position
with a call to fsetpos().

Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.

3.32 fgets

#include stdio.h
char * fgets(char *str, int num, FILE *stream);

Reads up to num-1 characters from stream and puts them in the
character array pointed to by str.

Characters are read up to a newline character, or end of file.
The string will be terminated by a null character, and any
newline character will be retained.

Returns str on success, or a null pointer on error. Use ferror()
and feof() to determine status on error.

3.33 floor

#include math.h
double floor(double num);

Returns the largest integer not greater than num.

3.34 fmod

#include math.h
double fmod(double x, double y);

Returns the remainder of x/y.

3.35 fopen

#include stdio.h
FILE * fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);

Opens the file represented by filename for access as specified by
mode. Valid values for mode are as follows:

"r"		open text file for reading
"w"		create text file for writing
"a"		append to text file
"rb" 	open binary file for reading
"wb" 	create binary file for writing
"ab" 	append to binary file
"r+" 	open text file for read/write
"w+" 	create text file for read/write
"a+" 	open text file for read/write
"rb+" 	open binary file for read/write
"wb+" 	create binary file for read/write
"ab+" 	open binary file for read/write

Returns a FILE pointer on success, or null on failure.

If a file is opened in text mode, some character conversions may
occur. For example, newline characters may be converted to
carriage return/linefeed. This is system dependent.

Opening a file for writing will cause a new file to be created;
any pre-existing file will be erased first.

Opening a file for reading or appending requires it to exist. If
opened for appending, the file position will be set to the end of

3.36 fprintf

#include stdio.h
int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);

Prints to stream as specified by string format, using additional
parameters as required.

Returns the number of characters printed, or a negative value on

The string format is a combination of characters which will be
printed directly, and format commands beginning % which will be
replaced by arguments. There must be the same number and type of
arguments as there format commands, in the same order.

Format commands are:

%c		character
%d		signed decimal integer
%i		signed decimal integer
%e		scientific notation floating point
%E		scientific notation floating point
%f		decimal floating point
%g		uses %e or %f, whichever is shorted
%G		uses %E or %f, whichever is shorted
%o		unsigned octal
%s		string
%u		unsigned decimal integer
%x		unsigned hexadecimal
%X		unsigned hexadecimal
%p		pointer
%%	percent sign

Format commands may have modifiers to specify field width, number
of decimal places, and justification. The general form is:


Where width specifies the minimum width in characters and places
specifies the number of decimal places. For strings and integers,
places specifies the maximum width after which output will be
truncated. Preceding width with a zero will cause output to be
padded with zeros instead of spaces.

Output is normally right justified. Placing a minus sign after
the % will left justify the field.

Modifiers may be used to specify different datatypes, as follows:

l	long / double
h	short
L	long double

%n will cause the number of characters printed so far to be
written to the corresponding pointer to integer in the argument

Hash (#) preceding a g, f or e code ensures the decimal point is
printed even when there are no decimal digits. Using it with
octal or hexadecimal formats o and h will cause them to be
prefixed with 0 or 0x respectively.

The width and places specifiers may be passed as arguments by
placing and asterisk in the format. They are matched in the order
they occur, in the same way as the values to be printed.

3.37 fputc

#include stdio.h
int fputc(int ch, FILE *stream);

Writes the character ch to the specified stream.

Returns ch on success, of EOF on error. Use ferror() to determine
error status.

3.38 fputs

#include stdio.h
int fputs(const char *str, FILE *stream);

Writes the null terminated string str to the specified stream.
The null terminator is not written.

Returns a non-negative value on success, and EOF on failure. Use
ferror() to determine error status.

If the file is opened in text mode, character conversions may
take place.

3.39 fread

#include stdio.h
int fread(void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream);

Reads count objects, each size bytes long, into the memory at buf
from the specified stream.

Returns the number of items actually read. If this is less than
the number requested, use feof() and ferror() to determine the

Character conversions may occur if the file is opened in text

3.40 free

#include stdlib.h
void free(void * ptr);

Returns the memory pointed to by ptr to the heap, making it
available for future allocation.

Free must only be called with a pointer obtained from a dynamic
allocation function such as malloc or calloc.

3.41 freopen

#include stdio.h
FILE * freopen(const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE *stream);

Associates an existing stream with a different filename. The
access mode is in the same format as for fopen().

The function first attempts to close the file already associated
with stream. However, if this fails it still opens the new file.

Returns a pointer to stream on success, or null on failure.

3.42 frexp

#include math.h
double frexp(double num, int *exp);

Decomposes num into a mantissa in the range 0.5 to less than 1,
and an integer exponent such that num = mantissa * 2exp.

The mantissa is returned by the function, and the exponent is
stored at exp.

3.43 fscanf

#include stdio.h
int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);

Read from stream and stores the information in variables in the
argument list, using the control string format.

The control string contains format specifiers, white space and
non-white space separators.

Format specifiers indicate the values which should be read into
arguments, as follows:

%c		single character
%d		decimal integer
%i		decimal integer
%e		floating point number
%f		floating point number
%g		floating point number
%o		octal number
%s		string
%x		hexadecimal number
%p		pointer
%u		unsigned integer

%n		number of characters read
%[]		range of characters

White space in format causes one or more white space characters
from the input to be skipped. Non white space characters in
format will be read from the input and discarded; if a matching
character is not found, fscanf() will terminate.

All variables used to receive values must be passed by address.

Strings will be read only up to the first white space. All input
data must be separated by white space, unless explicitely
specified in format.

Placing a * after the % will cause the value to be read but not
assigned. This can be used to skip over unrequired fields.

Format commands can specify a maximum width after the % to limit
the number of characters read for any field.

Returns the number of fields assigned to arguments, or EOF if
there is an error before any fields are assigned.

3.44 fseek

#include stdio.h
int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int origin);

Sets the file position for stream as specified by offset and

The offset is the number of bytes to seek, from the origin as
defined by the following macros:

SEEK_SET 	seek from start of file
SEEK_CUR 	seek from current position
SEEK_END 	seek (backwards) from end of file

Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.

3.45 fsetpos

#include stdio.h
int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *position);

Returns the file position for stream to the point specified by
position, which must have been obtained from a call to fgetpos().

Returns zero on success, and non-zero on failure.

3.46 ftell

#include stdio.h
long ftell(FILE *stream);

Retuns the current file position for stream, in bytes from the
start of the file.

May not be meaningful for text files because of character
conversions, except as an argument to fseek().

Returns -1L on error, and the result may not be meaningful for
files incapable of random seeks such as modems and terminals.

3.47 fwrite

#include stdio.h
int fwrite(const void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream);

Writes count objects, each size bytes long, from the memory
location buf to the specified stream.

Returns the number of items actually written; use ferror() to
determine the status if this is less then count.

Character conversions may occur if the stream is opened in text

3.48 getc

#include stdio.h
int getc(FILE *stream);

Returnns the next character from the input stream.

On error, or if the end of the file is reached, returns EOF. Note
that EOF is a valid character, so feof() or ferror() should be
used to check for end-of-file or error conditions.

3.49 getchar

#include stdio.h
int getchar(void);

Equivalent to fgetc(stdin)

3.50 getenv

#include stdlib.h
char * getenv(const char *name);

Returns a pointer to the environment variable name, or null if
name is not found.

Note that the returned string must not be changed.

3.51 gets

#include stdio.h
char * gets(char *str);

Reads characters from stdin until a newline or EOF is reached,
placing them in str. The string will be null terminated.

Returns str on success, or null on error or end-of-file. Use
feof() and ferror() to determine the status if null is returned.

Note that there is no limit to the number of characters read.

3.52 gmtime

#include time.h
struct tm * gmtime(time_t *time);

Returns a pointer to the broken down form of time in a tm
structure, based on Greenwich Mean Time.

Note the structure will be overwritten by subsequent calls to
this function.

3.53 isalnum

#include ctype.h
int isalnum(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a letter of the alphabet or a digit.

3.54 isalpha

#include ctype.h
int isalpha(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a letter of the alphabet, which may
vary from language to language.

3.55 iscntrl

#include ctype.h
int iscntrl(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a control character (0-31 or 127).

3.56 isdigit

#include ctype.h
int isdigit(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a digit ('0' through '9').

3.57 isgraph

#include ctype.h
int isgraph(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a printable character and not a space.
This usually means the range 33 - 126.

3.58 islower

#include ctype.h
int islower(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a lowercase letter.

3.59 isprint

#include ctype.h
int isprint(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a printable character, including space.
This is normally the range 32 - 126.

3.60 ispunct

#include ctype.h
int ispunct(int ch);

Return non-zero if ch is a punctuation character. Punctuation
means all printing characters except alphanumerics and space.

3.61 isspace

#include ctype.h
int isspace(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a space, horizontal tab, vertical tab,
carriage return or newline character.

3.62 isupper

#include ctype.h
int isupper(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is an uppercase letter.

3.63 isxdigit

#include ctype.h
int isxdigit(int ch);

Returns non-zero if ch is a hexadecimal digit (A-F, a-f or 0-9)

3.64 labs

#include stdlib.h
long labs(long num);

Returns the absolute (positive) value of num.

3.65 ldexp

#include math.h
double ldexp(double num, int exp);

Returns num * 2exp.

3.66 ldiv

#include stdlib.h
ldiv_t ldiv(long numerator, long denominator);

Returns the quotient and remainder of numerator/denominator in a
ldiv_t structure.

The ldiv_t structure is defined in stdlib.h and will have at
least two long integer fields quot and rem.

3.67 localeconv

#include locale.h
struct lconv * localeconv(void);

Returns a pointer to a structure of type lconv which contains
various locale specific values.

The contents of the structure must not be changed. See the
locale.h file for its contents.

3.68 localtime

#include time.h
struct tm * localtime(time_t *time);

Returns a pointer to the broken down form of time in a tm
structure, based on Local Time.

Note the structure will be overwritten by subsequent calls to
this function.

3.69 log

#include math.h
double log(double num);

Returns the natural logarithm of num.

3.70 log10

#include math.h
double log10(double num);

Returns the base 10 logarithm of num.

3.71 longjmp

#include setjmp.h
void longjmp(jmp_buf envbuf, int status);

Causes program execution to resume at the point of the last call
to setjmp(), allowing for a jump between functions.

The value status becomes the return value from the original
setjmp() call, and must not be 0.

3.72 malloc

#include stdlib.h
void * malloc(size_t size);

Allocates size bytes of memory from the heap.

Returns a pointer to the allocated memory, or null if allocation

3.73 memchr

#include string.h
void * memchr(const void *buffer, int ch, size_t count);

Searches the first count characters of the buffer pointed to by
buffer for the first occurrence of character ch. Return value is
pointer to first occurrence of ch or null if not found

3.74 memcmp

#include string.h
int memcmp(const void *buf1, const void *buf2, size_t count);

Lexicographically compares the first count characters of the
buffers pointed to by buf1 and buf2. Return value is:

<0   buf1 is less than buf2
=0   buf1 is equal to buf2
>0   buf1 is greater than buf2 

3.75 memcpy

#include string.h
void * memcpy(void *to, const void *from, size_t count);

Copies count characters from the buffer pointed to by from into
the buffer pointed to by to.

If the buffers overlap behaviour is undefined.

3.76 memmove

#include string.h
void * memmove(void *to, const void *from, size_t count);

Copies count characters from the buffer pointed to by from into
the buffer pointed to by to.

If the buffers overlap the copy will take place correctly,
leaving the correct contents in to but modifying from.

3.77 memset

#include string.h
void * memset(void *buf, int ch, size_t count);

Sets count memory locations starting at buf to the low-order byte
of ch.

Most commonly used to initialise a block of memory, such as a

3.78 mktime

#include time.h
time_t mktime(struct tm *time);

Returns the calendar time equivalent of the broken-down time in
the structure time.

Elements tm_wday and tm_yday are set by the function.

Returns -1 if the information cannot be represented as a valid

3.79 modf

#include math.h
double modf(double num, int *i);

Decomposes num into its integer and fractional parts, storing the
integer at i and returning the fraction.

3.80 perror

#include stdio.h
void perror(const char *str);

Translates the global variable errno to an error message and
writes it to stderr. If str is not null, it will be written
before the error message.

3.81 pow

#include math.h
double pow(double base, double exp);

Returns base raised to the exp power.

3.82 printf

#include stdio.h
int printf(const char *format, ...);

Equivalent to fprintf(stdout, format, ...)

3.83 putc

#include stdio.h
int putc(int ch, FILE *stream);

Writes the character in the least significant byte of ch to the
output stream pointed to by stream.

Returns the character written on success, or EOF on failure. Use
ferror() to determine the status.

3.84 putchar

#include stdio.h
int putchar(int ch);

Equivalent to fputc(ch, stdout)

3.85 puts

#include stdio.h
int puts(char *str);

Equivalent to fputs(str, stdout)

3.86 qsort

#include stdlib.h
void qsort(void *buf, size_t num, size_t size, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *));

Sorts the array pointer to by buf using a quicksort algorithm.
The number of elements is specified by num, and the size in bytes
of each element is specified by size.

The function compare is used to compare two elements of the
array, in the following form:

int function(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)

arg1 < arg2    less than 0
arg1 = arg2    0
arg1 > arg2    greater than 0

The array will be sorted in ascending order.

3.87 raise

#include signal.h
int raise(int signal);

Send the signal specified by signal to the executing program.
Return value 0 is successful, otherwise non-zero

3.88 rand

#include stdlib.h
int rand(void);

Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and RAND_MAX.

3.89 realloc

#include stdlib.h
void * realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);

Changes the size of a previously allocated memory block pointed
to by ptr to a new number of bytes size. The new size may be
greater or less than the original.

The block may need to be moved to increase its size, in which
case the old contents will be copied to the new location.

Returns a pointer to the new block, or null if allocation failed
(in which case the old block remains valid).

If size is zero, the memory if freed.

3.90 remove

#include stdio.h
int remove(const char *filename);

Erases (deletes) the file specified by filename.

Returns 0 on success, and non-zero on failure.

3.91 rename

#include stdio.h
int rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname);

Renames (moves) the specified file from oldname to newname. The
new name must not already be used.

Returns 0 on success, or non-zero on failure.

3.92 rewind

#include stdio.h
void rewind(FILE *stream);

Moves the file position indicator for stream to the beginning of
the stream, and clears the end-of-file and error flags.

3.93 scanf

#include stdio.h
int scanf(const char *format, ...);

Equivalent to fscanf(stdin, format, ...)

3.94 setbuf

#include stdio.h
void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf);

Sets the buffer used by stream to buf, or turns off buffering if
buf is null.

If specified, the buffer must be BUFSIZ characters long.

3.95 setjmp

#include setjmp.h
int setjmp(jmp_buf envbuf);

Saves the contents of the system stack in the buffer envbuf for
later use by longjmp().

Returns 0 on invocation, and the value passed to longjmp() after
the jump back.

3.96 setlocale

#include locale.h
char * setlocale(int type, const char *locale);

Sets the current locale for the specified type to locale.

If locale is null it returns a pointer to the current locale.

The following macros should be used for values of type:
LC_ALL refers to all categories
LC_COLLATE affects strcoll()
LC_CTYPE affects the character functions
LC_MONETARY determines the monetary format
LC_NUMERIC determines the decimal point format
LC_TIME affects strftime()

3.97 setvbuf

#include stdio.h
int setvbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf, int mode, size_t size);

Allows the buffer location, size and  mode to be specified for
the stream. If buf is null, it will be allocated.

The mode can be one of:

_IOFBF	full buffering
_IONBF	no buffering
_IOLBF	line buffering

The size must be greater than zero.

Returns zero on success, or non-zero on failure.

3.98 signal

#include signal.h
(*func)(int) signal(int signal, void (*func)(int));

Registers the function func to receive the specified signal.

Alternatively, func can be one of the following:

SIG_DFL   to use default signal handling
SIG_IGN   ignore the signal

Returns func if successful, or SIG_ERR if not.

3.99 sin

#include math.h
double sin(double arg);

Returns the sine of arg, where arg is in radians.

3.100 sinh

#include math.h
double sinh(double arg);

Returns the hyperbolic sine of arg, where arg is in radians.

3.101 sprintf

#include stdio.h
int sprintf(char *buf, const char *format, ...);

As fprintf(), but the output is written to the string buf.

3.102 sqrt

#include math.h
double sqrt(double num);

Returns the square root of num.

3.103 srand

#include stdlib.h
void srand(unsigned seed);

Sets the starting point for the sequence generated by rand()
using the value seed.

Using the same value of seed will cause the same sequence of
random numbers to be generated.

3.104 sscanf

#include stdio.h
int sscanf(const char *buf, const char *format, ...);

As fscanf, except the input is taken from the string at buf.

3.105 strcat

#include string.h
char * strcat(char *str1, const char *str2);

Concatenates the null-terminated string str2 onto the end of
str1. If the strings overlap, behaviour is undefined. Return

3.106 strchr

#include string.h
char * strchr(const char *str, int ch);

Searches the null-terminated string str for the first occurrence
of character ch. Return value is a pointer to first occurrence of
ch or null if not found

3.107 strcmp

#include string.h
int strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2);

Compares the two null-terminated strings str1 and str2. Return
value is

<0   str1 is less than str2
=0   str1 is equal to str2
>0   str1 is greater than str2

3.108 strcoll

#include string.h
int strcoll(const char *str1, const char *str2);

Compares the strings pointed to by str1 and str2, in accordance
with the locale specified using setlocale(). Return value is

<0   str1 is less than str2
=0   str1 is equal to str2
>0   str1 is greater than str2

3.109 strcpy

#include string.h
char * strcpy(char *str1, const char *str2);

Copies the contents of str2 into str1, where str2 must be a
pointer to a null-terminated string. Returns str1.

If str1 and str2 overlap, the behaviour is undefined.

3.110 strcspn

#include string.h
int strcspn(const char *str1, const char *str2);

Finds the length of the initial substring of str1 made up only of
characters not in str2.

Put differently, it returns the index of the first character in
str1 which is also in str2.

3.111 strdup

#include string.h
char * strdup(char *str);

Duplicates the string pointed to by str, obtaining the memory
through a call to malloc().

Returns a pointer to the new string on success, or null on

3.112 strerror

#include string.h
char * strerror(int errnum);

Returns a pointer to an implementation specific string associated
with errnum.

3.113 strftime

#include time.h
size_t strftime(char *str, size_t maxsize, const char *fmt, const struct tm *time);

Formats date, time and other information into the string str from
the structure time based on the format string fmt. A maximum of
maxsize characters will be written.

Format commands beginning with % will be replaced with time and
date values in local format. Other characters will be copied.

%a		abbreviated weekday name
%A		full weekday name
%b		abbreviated month name
%B		full month name
%c		standard date and time string
%d		day of month as decimal (1-31)
%H		hour (0-23)
%I		hour (1-12)
%j		day of year as decimal (1-366)
%m		month as decimal (1-12)
%M		minute as decimal (0-59)
%p		locale's equivalent of AM or PM
%S		second as decimal (0-59)
%U		week of year, Sunday being first day (0-52)
%w		weekday as decimal (0-6, Sunday being 0)
%W	week of year, Monday being first day (0-52)
%x		standard date string
%X		standard time string
%y		year in decimal without century (00-99)
%Y		year including century as decimal
%Z		time zone name
%%	percent sign

Returns the number of characters written, or zero on error.

3.114 strlen

#include string.h
size_t strlen(char *str);

Returns the length of the null-terminated string str, not
including the null.

3.115 strncat

#include string.h
char * strncat(char *str1, char *str2, size_t count);

Concatenates up to count characters of str2 onto the end of str1.

If the strings overlap, behaviour is undefined. Returns str1.

3.116 strncmp

#include string.g
int strncmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t count);

Compares two null terminated strings str1 and str2; up to a
maximum of count characters are compared.

Return value is
<0   str1 is less than str2
=0   str1 is equal to str2
>0   str1 is greater than str2

3.117 strncpy

#include string.h
char * strncpy(char *str1, const char *str2, size_t count);

Copies up to count characters from the null-terminated string
str2 to str1.

If str2 has less than count characters, then str1 will have nulls
appended until count characters have been copied.

If str2 has more than count characters then str1 will not be null

Returns str1.

3.118 strpbrk

#include string.h
char * strpbrk(const char *str1, const char *str2);

Returns a pointer to the first character in str1 which matches
any character in str2 or null.

3.119 strrchr

#include string.h
char * strrchr(const char *str, int ch);

Returns a pointer to the last occurence of character ch in the
string str or null.

3.120 strspn

#include string.h
size_t strspn(const char *str1, const char *str2);

Returns the length of the initial substring of str1 made up of
characters found in str2.

Stated differently, it returns the index of the first character
in str1 which cannot be found in str2.

3.121 strstr

#include string.h
char * strstr(const char *str1, const char *str2);

Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of str2 in str1 or null.

3.122 strtod

#include stdlib.h
double strtod(const char *start, char **end);

Returns the floating point number found at start, reading up to
any character that cannot form part of a floating point number.

White space is skipped before the conversion, and end is set to
the first character after the number.

3.123 strtok

#include string.h
char * strtok(char *str1, const char *str2);

Splits str1 into tokens separated by characters found in str2.

The first call finds the first separator and replaces it with a
null, returning a pointer to the first token.

Subsequent calls should have str1 set to null, and will return a
pointer to the next token.

Null is returned when there are no more tokens. It is possible to
change the set of delimiters for each call.

3.124 strtol

#include stdlib.h
long strtol(const char *start, char **end, int radix);

Returns the integer number (in the base specified by radix) found
at start, reading up to any character that cannot form part of an
integer number in that base.

White space is skipped before the conversion, and end is set to
the first character after the number.

The base radix must be in the range 2 - 36.

3.125 strtoul

#include stdlib.h
unsigned long strtoul(const char *start, char **end, int radix);

Returns the unsigned integer number (in the base specified by
radix) found at start, reading up to any character that cannot
form part of an integer number in that base.

White space is skipped before the conversion, and end is set to
the first character after the number.

The base radix must be in the range 2 - 36.

3.126 strxfrm

#include string.h
size_t strxfrm(char *str1, const char *str2, sie_t count);

Transforms the first count characters of str2 and places them in

After translation, a comparison using strcmp() on str1 will
produce the same results as a strcoll() using the original string

Return value is the length of the transformed string.

3.127 system

#include stdlib.h
int system(const char *str);

Passes the command pointed to by str to the command processor of
the operating system.

Return value is system dependent.

Passing null as str will return non-zero if the command processor
is present, and zero otherwise.

3.128 tan

#include math.h
double tan(double arg);

Returns the tangent of arg, where arg is in radians.

3.129 tanh

#include math.h
double tanh(double arg);

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of arg, where arg is in radians.

3.130 time

#include time.h
time_t time(time_t *time);

Returns the current calendar time, or -1 if the system has no time.

If time is not null, it will also be set to the return value.

3.131 tmpfile

#include stdio.h
FILE * tmpfile(void);

Opens a temporary file for update and returns a pointer to its
stream. The file will automatically have a unique filename to
avoid conflicts.

Returns a null pointer on failure.

The temporary file will be automatically removed when it is
closed, or when the program terminates.

3.132 tmpnam

#include stdio.h
char * tmpnam(char *name);

Generates a unique filename and stores it in name. This function
can be called at least TMP_MAX times, which will be at least 25.

Returns a pointer to name on success, or null on failure.

3.133 tolower

#include ctype.h
int tolower(int ch);

Returns the lowercase equivalent of ch, or ch unchanged if it is
not an uppercase letter.

3.134 toupper

#include ctype.h
int toupper(int ch);

Returns the uppercase equivalent of ch, or ch unchanged if it is
not a lowercase letter.

3.135 ungetc

#include stdio.h
int ungetc(int ch, FILE *stream);

Retuns the character ch to the stream stream, so it will be
returned by the next read operation.

One character ungetc is guaranteed, some versions may accept more.

Returns ch on success, and EOF on failure.

3.136 va_arg

#include stdarg.h
type va_arg(va_list argptr, type);

Macro used to retrieve arguments to variable argument functions,
where argptr has been initialised by a call to va_start() and
type is the expected data type of the argument.

3.137 va_end

#include stdarg.h
void va_end(va_list argptr);

Stops reading variable arguments, freeing up memory etc

3.138 va_start

#include stdarg.h
void va_start(va_list argptr, last_parm);

Initialises the retrieval of variable argument list arguments,
where argptr is a control structure used by later calls to
va_arg() and last_parm is the last declared argument.

3.139 vfprintf

#include stdarg.h 
#include stdio.h
int vfprintf(FILE *stream, char *format, va_list argptr);

Equivalent to fprintf(), except the argument list has been
replaced by a pointer to a list of arguments.

3.140 vprintf

#include stdarg.h 
#include stdio.h
int vprintf(char *format, va_list argptr);

Equivalent to printf(), except the argument list has been
replaced by a pointer to a list of arguments.

3.141 vsprintf

#include stdarg.h 
#include stdio.h
int vsprintf(char *buf, char *format, va_list argptr);

Equivalent to sprintf(), except the argument list has been
replaced by a pointer to a list of arguments.