from by Bob Hepple Nov 2002
From the beginning
To the end
According to taste
For this special purpose
Without any apparent end
In the meanwhile
At pleasure; as much as/in any way that one desires
To a sickening degree
To the point; to the purpose
Word for word; literally
Another precisely similar
Love conquers all things
Before noon
A defence; justification
In good faith; genuine
Unclaimed goods
Enjoy the present day; seize the opportunity
Let the buyer beware; at the buyer's risk
Other things being equal
I think therefore I am
Of sound mind
The body, substance or foundation of the offence
For whose benefit is it?; who gains by it?
Thanks to God
The charchters of a drama or play
It is sweet and glorious (to die for one's country)
While I breathe, I hope
Behold the man (The words of Pontius Pilate)
To err is human
I too have lived in Arcadia; I too had that experience
You too, Brutus? (Caesar's alleged exclamation when he saw Brutus was amongst his assins)
From the episcopal or papel throne or professional chair; with high authority
By way of example
From the books of/library of
Hasten gently; hurry slowly
A rage for speaking/writing
The gardian spirit of the place
Glory to God in the highest
Here (is) buried
Shame to him who thinks evil; the shame be his who thinks ill of it
In the same place, thing or case
At the point of death or in a desperate circumstances
In the very act; (literally) while the crime is blazing
Beneath one's dignity
In the matter of
In the former state
Amongst other things
Between ourselves
In wine is truth; wine brings out the truth
By that very fact; thereby
A great good
A great work; someone's greatest achievement
With bad faith; treacherously
By my own fault
Remember death; a reminder of death
A sound mind in a sound body
Wonderful to tell
Manner of operation; way of going about a job
We who are about to die salute you (the greeting given by the gladiators to the emperor)
The word which exactly fits the context
Without opposition; with no one speaking to the contrary
No-one provokes me with impunity (the motto of Scotland)
Nothing to the point
Never despair
Don't touch me (the words of Jesus quoted from John's Gospel, but now often used as a general warning against interference)
A remark of action unconnected with what has gone before; a conclusion that does not follow logically from the premises
Mark well; take good note
A thing said by the way; a cursory remark
The burden of proving
Oh the times! Oh the manners/customs!; What times! What conduct!
With equal pace; together
By steep and difficult ways to the stars; the way to the stars in not easy
By the day
An unacceptable person
After noon
At first sight
(the thing) which has to be proved or demonstrated
A rare person or thing; (literally) a rare bird)
A case or law suit already decided
Always the same
It is solved in walking i.e. the problem is solved by actually doing it, by practical experiment
Under (legal) consideration
Let each have his own
Weariness of life
Time flies
An unknown country
The last argument of kings - the cannon, war
Th the city (Rome) and the world; to everyone
The principle of letting e.g. belligerents keep what they have aquired; (literally) as you possess
A handbook or pocket companion; (literally) go with me
I came, I saw, I conquered (the words of Julius Caesar)
Word for word (and letter for letter)
To wit; namely
Long live the king/queen
The voice of the people is the voice of God