
1. Reformatted for gjots from the original Psion files latin.s5



Bob Hepple Nov 2002

2. ab initio

From the beginning

3. ad finem

To the end

4. ad gustem

According to taste

5. ad hoc

For this special purpose

6. ad infinitum

Without any apparent end

7. ad interim

In the meanwhile

8. ad libitum

At pleasure; as much as/in any way that one desires

9. ad nauseam

To a sickening degree

10. ad rem

To the point; to the purpose

11. ad verbum

Word for word; literally

12. alter idem

Another precisely similar

13. amor vincit omnia

Love conquers all things

14. ante meridiem

Before noon

15. apologia

A defence; justification

16. bona fida

In good faith; genuine

17. bona vacantia

Unclaimed goods

18. carpe diem

Enjoy the present day; seize the opportunity

19. caveat emptor

Let the buyer beware; at the buyer's risk

20. ceteris paribus

Other things being equal

21. cogito ergo sum

I think therefore I am

22. compos mentis

Of sound mind

23. corpus delicti

The body, substance or foundation of the offence

24. cui bono?

For whose benefit is it?; who gains by it?

25. Deo gratias

Thanks to God

26. dramatis personae

The charchters of a drama or play

27. dulce et decorum est (pro patria mori)

It is sweet and glorious (to die for one's country)

28. dum spiro

While I breathe, I hope

29. ecce homo

Behold the man
(The words of Pontius Pilate)

30. errare est humanum

To err is human

31. et ego in Arcadia

I too have lived in Arcadia; I too had that experience

32. et tu

You too, Brutus?
(Caesar's alleged exclamation when he saw Brutus was amongst his assins)

33. ex cathedra

From the episcopal or papel throne or professional chair; with high authority

34. exempli gratia

By way of example

35. ex libris

From the books of/library of

36. festina lente

Hasten gently; hurry slowly

37. furor loquendi/scribendi

A rage for speaking/writing

38. genius loci

The gardian spirit of the place

39. gloria in excelsis

Glory to God in the highest

40. hic sepultus

Here (is) buried

41. honi soit qui mal y pense

Shame to him who thinks evil; the shame be his who thinks ill of it

42. ibidem (ibid.)

In the same place, thing or case

43. in extremis

At the point of death or in a desperate circumstances

44. in flagrante delicto

In the very act; (literally) while the crime is blazing

45. infra dignitatem (infra dig)

Beneath one's dignity

46. in re

In the matter of

47. in statu quo

In the former state

48. inter alia

Amongst other things

49. inter nos

Between ourselves

50. in toto


51. in vino veritas

In wine is truth; wine brings out the truth

52. ipso facto

By that very fact; thereby

53. magnum bonum

A great good

54. magnum opus

A great work; someone's greatest achievement

55. mala fide

With bad faith; treacherously

56. mea culpa

By my own fault

57. memento mori

Remember death; a reminder of death

58. mens sana in corpore sano

A sound mind in a sound body

59. mirabile dictu

Wonderful to tell

60. modus operandi

Manner of operation; way of going about a job

61. morituri te salutamus

We who are about to die salute you (the greeting given by the gladiators to the emperor)

62. mot juste

The word which exactly fits the context

63. nemine contradicente (nem con)

Without opposition; with no one speaking to the contrary

64. nemo me impune lacessit

No-one provokes me with impunity (the motto of Scotland)

65. nihil ad rem

Nothing to the point

66. nil desperandum

Never despair

67. noli me tangere

Don't touch me (the words of Jesus quoted from John's Gospel, but now often used as a general warning against interference)

68. non sequitur

A remark of action unconnected with what has gone before; a conclusion that does not follow logically from the premises

69. nota bene (NB)

Mark well; take good note

70. obiter dictum

A thing said by the way; a cursory remark

71. onus probandi

The burden of proving

72. O tempora! O mores!

Oh the times! Oh the manners/customs!; What times! What conduct!

73. pari passu

With equal pace; together

74. per ardua ad astra

By steep and difficult ways to the stars; the way to the stars in not easy

75. par diem

By the day

76. persona non grata

An unacceptable person

77. post meridiem

After noon

78. prima facie

At first sight

79. quod erat demonstrandum

(the thing) which has to be proved or demonstrated

80. rara avis

A rare person or thing; (literally) a rare bird)

81. res judicata

A case or law suit already decided

82. semper idem

Always the same

83. solvitur ambulando

It is solved in walking i.e. the problem is solved by actually doing it, by practical experiment

84. sub judice

Under (legal) consideration

85. suum cuique

Let each have his own

86. taedium vitae

Weariness of life

87. tempus fugit

Time flies

88. terra incognita

An unknown country

89. ultima ratio regum

The last argument of kings - the cannon, war

90. urbi et orbi

Th the city (Rome) and the world; to everyone

91. uti possidetis

The principle of letting e.g. belligerents keep what they have aquired; (literally) as you possess

92. vade mecum

A handbook or pocket companion; (literally) go with me

93. veni

I came, I saw, I conquered (the words of Julius Caesar)

94. verbatim (et literatim)

Word for word (and letter for letter)

95. videlicet (viz)

To wit; namely

96. vivat rex/regina

Long live the king/queen

97. vox populi

The voice of the people is the voice of God